Friday, September 16, 2016

SkyWatch Friday

 The blue sky and something else... (all the pictures taken during last holiday)

See another pictures of the sky here: 


Spare Parts and Pics said...

Wonderful moon shots!!

Jeanna said...

Lovely and funny. I'm chuckling at the bike and shoes.

Jim said...

Great shots

Powell River Books said...

The was a man who lived on our lake who made whimsical things out of found items. He was very hermit-like, but loved to tell stories (very long ones) if you bumped into him in town while he was shopping. He passed away this week. I'm going to miss seeing him sailing his rowboat with a homemade mast and sail, and riding his bike to make our planet a better place for everyone. - Margy

Christine said...

I love the bicycle sculpture in the first photo and your shots of the moon are super!
Now following!

Jim said...

Great shots.