Friday, September 24, 2010

SkyWatch Friday

Not far from Gliwice...

To see great photos of the sky click on the picture SKYWATCH FRIDAY on the right.


EG CameraGirl said...

Very lovely sky here. I like the contrast of the field, the grass and the clouds.

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

A beautiful country scenery; I can hear the hush of summer.

Anonymous said...

Would you allow me to be "locked" into this picture, feeling, smelling, touching earth and time.

A wonderful picture, which took me home. Thank you. Please have a good Friday.

daily athens

Gemma Wiseman said...

You have captured a magical view of forever! So very lovely!

Laura said...

such a beautiful scene magdala!

Anne said...

So simple and so very very nice :-)